

There is a new view out of my living room window and I’m not happy about it. It grabs my eye and reminds me not to take anything for granted while Mercury is in retrograde. Two people can think they are thinking they same things when they are not. I should have checked: I should have tied a ribbon to the tree I wanted cut down.

My house is behind a house on the road; my driveway is a right-of-way through my neighbours’ driveway. I had let the cedar hedge between us get very tall because I like NEED privacy.  When I moved in I planted lilacs, mock orange, weigelas and couple of crab-apple trees in the corner to block off the view of the rotting Winnebago that is left to rust away on the other side of our driveway. It is owned by his father-in-law in the house next to him who has incurable lung cancer. The Thing is full of motorcycle parts he thinks is worth a fortune. And so it sits.

The shrubs and cedars between our houses have become really dense and I talked to my neighbour about cutting down the largest cedar where some white lilac and crab-apples will fill in behind it. We went back and forth on our properties and I showed him where I meant; the tallest cedar.

I heard the chainsaw going and I should have  gone out right then and there! (kicking myself again!) But I thought he was cutting that tree; the tallest cedar. How do you get that mixed up with NOT the tallest cedar?

It was about 5:30 when the sun is getting low but shines bright yellow/orange. I looked out my window and gasped! The Winnebago! It was shining brightly, reflecting the sun! I could see the driveway, the road and the entrance to their house which faces the driveway.

I went out and told him “its the wrong tree” but not angrily. He felt terrible and I didn’t want to make him feel worse. The shrubs behind it had sparse branches from the cedar blocking the sun so they will fill in. I’m hoping the cedar will coppice and fill in again, too.

This is The View I look out at most often. Now every time I look out I see that damn Winnebago and say, “oh, yeah….” Why didn’t I remember Mercury in retrograde and ‘RE-‘ …… re-check, re-view.

The other shrubs will fill in….. next spring. The upside is that I can now see when the mail comes and when the garbage has been picked up. I’ll be able to watch for someone picking me up from inside the house. The variegated weigela will get more room; it was getting crowed out. That’s me, taking the positive view. After all, what’s done is done.

Many people have asked how I can stand having that eyesore at the entrance of my driveway. I’ve always felt it hides me from potential thieves. The sad part is that I always laughed and said, “I hope to outlive him!”  Be careful what you wish for.

It’s all in how you view things…… but make sure you RE-view things when Mercury is in retrograde.

2 thoughts on “Re-View

  1. Hehehe! This made me laugh, but believe me, I feel your pain…why do people keep junk, my husband included, just because they think it might be worth something? If so, I say sell it and reap the reward! Easier said than done! ~Elle

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