RDP: extravaganza

Let the extravaganza begin! I can procrastinate no longer. Well, a little longer if I write this post.

Today I begin the project of painting my living room. This is going to be a huge job compared to the bathroom and the guest room. Those two rooms have low ceilings, I could do them with a step stool, but the living room has a high ceiling which will means a lot of up and down on a ladder. And the other rooms where small; this is big.

I’ve got a long way to go before I can start to paint. Preparation is most of the work when it comes to painting a room: the actual painting part goes pretty fast in comparison.

This morning I start with the wood stove area. I haven’t cleaned that up from winter yet. I was burning wood into June this year and I knew I was doing this big paint job and would be cleaning the whole room thoroughly. This mess is usually hidden by the couch but I gave away my old couch a few weeks ago.

The flash really captures the cobwebs


Its going to be a dirty, dusty crappy job and its probably as far as I’m going to get today. I still have outside work to do, too.

I wish I had started earlier; the weather is cool now and I can open the windows which is wonderful! However, by the time I get this room and walls cleaned it will be hot again. I . . .

OMG! Breaking news! There is a Pileated Woodpecker outside in plain view right now! Yes, a real Woody Woodpecker! They are quite big! So cool. . . 

Where was I? OH, yeah, the extravaganza of a paint job. The Big One.

This is how I do things now that I’m 66 years old and retired: I chip away at big jobs. Its so nice to be able to say; “that’s enough for one day”.

I’m also doing this outside with the jungle that is trying to take over my shrubs. The weather is cool now so I’m weeding until I can do no more. I just chip away at the worst areas; take my little garden bench and do a 20′ stretch.

Everyday I can, I do an outside job and an inside job. This could take weeks and it probably will. I am going to set up my TV viewing in the centre of the room and cover it while I clean and paint. Its on a rolling cabinet my dad made many, many years ago. Thanks, Dad!

looking the other way

Well, I can’t think of anything else to write about it; I can procrastinate no longer!

Let the extravaganza of a paint job begin!


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