My, me. A Babbling Brook

My grass is very long already. How did that happen so fast? I’m pretty sure it just turned green last week.

Yesterday would have been the perfect day to do it, warm and sunny with a pleasant breeze. I opened my shed up and looked at the lawn mower; there’s some lawn furniture balanced on it and clay flower pots are lined up in front of it.  The battery is still in it. I know I’m supposed to take it out in the winter but it was a mild winter and didn’t turn cold until it was almost spring. Getting the mower out and starting it up would be a huge chore. If it was good enough to turn over I’d have to mow the lawn to charge it up.

I closed the doors to the shed. The day/night before I worked 3:00 to 9:00 which meant doing the ‘break-outs’ before cleaning the bakery. Break-outs involves bringing heavy boxes of frozen loaves and buns out of the freezer, putting them on trays or loaf pans, into racks and rolling the racks into the ‘proofer’. (The proofer adjusts temperatures automatically to thaw then raise everything overnight.  The baker comes in at 4:00 a.m. and starts baking everything. Cool, eh?)

It’s physical work, doing break-outs, then cleaning the entire bakery ending with mopping the floors as fast as I can because I’m rarely done early.  Hard work for an old lady. The next day I have a ‘work hangover’.

Yesterday wasn’t a total loss however, I got my hair cut then did a little sunbathing, timing 15 minutes on each side. My deck is a sheltered, ‘hot-spot’ so I could go out in shorts and a tank-top. Good thing I had the timer on because I fell fast asleep: dangerous!

Today is cold and rainy and I’m  glad.  I have the weekend off which is rare. Next weekend is the long, May Two-Four (Victoria Day), weekend so I will be working, Saturday for sure; don’t know the schedule beyond that. Hopefully Monday to get ‘time and a half’.

The grass doesn’t matter. There are a lot of pretty flowers in it and I don’t live in a neighbour hood where people are ‘tsk, tsking’ me; no one can even see it as there are woods on three sides.

The other day I did a prompt on survival and opened up some old wounds. I was surprised and touched at all the people who wrote messages of encouragement. I felt a little sheepish because it happened 8 or 9 years ago and I’ve really come a long way, although, I don’t think I’ll ever ‘get over’ it. Time does not heal all wounds.

I may be on my own, eeking out a living, looking back on broken dreams (oh, come on) but today I have nothing pressing, no demands. That’s why I’m glad it’s cold and rainy; I don’t feel compelled to do anything outside. The woodstove is going. I’ll do a few dishes and tidy up a little then it’s TV time. A PVR full of movies and Netflix ………so much to watch , so little time.

It may get lonely but its peaceful. The only person I have to make happy is me.




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