What a Week


What a great opportunity to get some crap out of my head. The SoCS prompt is ‘What‘ which is perfect for launching my rant. Because it is Stream of Consciousness, I have to take a deep breath and type it out in sequence, not to be edited.

Some of you who follow me know I was helping out an ex c0-worker who was staying nearby in a trailer with no running water.  She had left her abusive mate and was given a trailer to stay in until she could get a place. I said she could come to my place for showers, laundry and filling water containers. It was getting to be too much and I heard no plans to change anything.

Then suddenly she was out of the picture. I tried to contact her a few times then gave up.

Last Monday I got home from work and doing errands after, I was really tired. On my answering machine was a message; “Hi,…. we should catch up!”

“Not now” I said to the machine and laid down for a nap. The phone rang, I let the machine answer, “….. I have nowhere to stay, I’m in a donut shop, I can get a friend to drive me to your place…….”

What a bummer. And what a dupe I am. After I hung up I realized she doesn’t have a car and she’s coming here….. far away from ‘town’. What the F#*K?


This is going to take too long. Here’s the précis; I said ‘a couple of days’. She used my car and stayed out way later than she said…. both days and not looking for a job. My gas tank was emptied while I waited here, fuming, so I could go get groceries.  I told her time was up and she had to leave. We started to argue until I said, “I don’t fight” and stopped responding.   She found a place to stay that night and got her stuff the next day.

But it wasn’t that easy; my nerves where shot, my heart rate was crazy, I could feel my pulse in my neck…… not good!  All I knew was I wasn’t going to work on Friday morning with her still in my house.  I told myself I wouldn’t talk about it at work but I couldn’t help myself because the trauma of the whole week was still on my mind.

What a week….. it’s been a bad week for a lot of people! What‘s up with that? Mercury in retrograde with a vengeance!

I’ll write more details about some other time. I finally started to unwind my nerves at work yesterday and realized I was exhausted. Last night I had the best sleep in days and slept in until 8:30 this morning. I don’t have to work and the sun is out. I have a jigsaw puzzle to work on.

What a gigantic relief!  But I won’t say I’m happy…… just hugely relieved, doing deep breathing and smudging the negativity out of my house.

I’m going to enjoy my day now…….  notice how I didn’t say “What a bitch!” because I did say it a whole lot this week.



5 thoughts on “What a Week

  1. What a horrible experience for you. Unfortunately there will always be people who will take advantage of others’ good nature. Hopefully in time this person may come to realise her own selfishness. Stay strong x

  2. Sometimes, helping out ends up only as enabling-while-babysitting. It is indeed exhausting. I’m sorry that she knows where you live, but I’m glad you tried one more time.

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