JusJoJan 18; revolt

For the last few years I have been neglecting the hidden areas of my house. I kept my basic living areas clean and tidy but the places unseen became neglected. Book shelves and storage got lightly vacuumed over.  I let my storage area get very bad knowing I had the rest of the winter to organize once I retired.

Last week I stuck my neck out and invited some local friends and neighbours to start a Games Night. There is a clique around here that I have never been part of. I was OK with that because I was usually tired from my job, worked weekends and they like to get very drunk.

But I am implementing change. You could say; revolting against The Clique. I was invited over to my neighbours recently and saw that the older ones are getting a little tired of getting drunk as entertainment.  As you get older and wake up with hangovers, you ask yourself; “Did I really have fun?” Maybe the way I acted was a little revolting. That was 40 years ago for me.

Now there are people coming here and I’m starting to see my place with new eyes. Yesterday I pulled out all the books and knickknacks from a bookshelf in my kitchen, then pulled out the bookshelf to clean. It was revolting. I have large pots stacked up I never look at…. but I did yesterday as if for the first time when the sun shone upon them. Revolting.

Today I’m going to unbury an antique Singer sewing machine that’s in my storage area and move it into my livingroom to replace a very ugly table. Its going to be a huge, messy job but its time to tackle that revolting mess of a storage area.

I hope no one looks in my office.





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