SoCS: summer

Summer has begun, meteorologically speaking

I’m extremely disappointed to hear next week is going to be very hot and humid again. The last 2 days have been absolutely, perfectly gorgeous but I’m too busy to work outside. I don’t know if its just me but my grass has been growing so fast I can’t keep up with it! The borders are so overgrown I have to whack them down with my antique corn husker to get them short enough to use the weedwhacker. There is actually more than I can do right now.

Summer. I live in a beach area of cottages, campgrounds and and The Pinery Provincial Park. The tourists are back. From an occasional car on the road to many cars back and forth. I can sit at the end of my road for a while, waiting for a breakaway to turn left onto the highway.

Motorcycles: The Ipperwash Beach club is a favorite destination of boomer bikers. I hear a lot of motorcycles now. The ones that want to be noisy: those blubuty, blubutly loud farty bikes then with the radio going overtop! Can you get any noisier?

Fireworks; they can go off any night for no apparent reason. We are very close to the US border and some have cottages here. So we get July 1 and July 4. But there is no need for a special occasion around here. Sometimes, late at night, one lone firework will go off. The camp grounds open with fireworks and close with fireworks and live band.

“Sweet Caroline” “bup pa daaaa…”

The grocery stores get overrun. I might have to give up going to No Frills in Grand Bend for the summer soon. Sometimes there is just too much traffic. Our more expensive grocery store gets busy and sold out of club soda often. You see families wearing shorts and flip flops moving slowly through the isles, close together.

The highway is a one-laner, hence the traffic. It gets slow and backs up sometimes, especially weekends. Then there are the impatient young people doing crazy passes: passing 2 or 3 cars and passing on a double line. On my road there will be a group of people, kids, walking partly on the road. Little kids on bikes wavering onto the road and back. I try to stay in on weekends. Its crazy out there!

Yesterday I went to a funeral, mostly outside as it was on the reserve. Perfect weather. Today I have to turn left and go almost to Grand Bend. Another beautiful day. I am making a ribbon skirt because I joined a drumming group so I’m going to have more fun than if I stayed home and whacked weeds. Its a right-hand turn going in but around dinnertime, having to make a left turn could take a while waiting for a breakaway. In the summer I think about these things in advance.

Next week summer kicks off with a vengeance. Its going to be very hot so many people will be trying to get to the beach. I have something to do almost every day this week but luckily all indoors with air conditioning.

MEANWHILE; the jungle is taking over!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sum.” Use the letters “sum” in a word in your post or use the word “sum.” Enjoy!

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