SoCS: near/far

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “near/far.” Use “near,” use “far,” use them both if you’d like. In fact, if you start your post with one and end with the other, you get bonus points!

I’m going far away today! I’m going to Zurich! That’s Zurich, Ontario, Canada but its far compared to where I’ve been the last year and a half.

We have a lot of faraway names in Ontario. London, Paris, Scotland, Stratford, Cambridge. Our great white heritage. I watched a show about how we destroyed this land that people had been keeping pristine for tens of thousands of years. But white man came in and destroyed it in a mere 100 years. We overfished the fisheries until there was none. We clear cut the forests until there were no mature trees left except one area of bog they couldn’t get at. When there was nothing left the settlers all migrated out west to devour that.

It was fortunate the Saugeen First Nation had some forward-thinking chiefs back then. After the white man’s fisheries had depleted the fish stock, (much of it left to rot as they only had salt to pack it and ship it) these two Chiefs got the fisheries back in the hands of the Saugeen Nation. They used their traditional methods and brought it back to a well-run fishery. Its not as far back in the past as people like to think. Yesterday there was a big announcement that the Saugeen Nation are having land returned that was swindled away from them. Its taken this long to settle.

But that isn’t what I was going to write about: I’m driving to Zurich today. Actually to some rural place near Zurich so I’m on an adventure. Its all the way past Grand Bend! It might even take me an hour! LOL! It makes me realize how close to home I’ve been in the last year and a half!

But I’m excited because this is what I’m picking up:

Can’t wait to play it with my grandnephew and, hopefully, get other family members to play even though they “hate cards”.

Rummy is my favourite card game and I love to play it with my grandnephew who is near to my heart! (bonus point!)